Saturday, 19 February 2011


Starting a blog, who knows where it will go, what topics it will cover or what problems we can solve. You are welcome and encouraged to broach any topic here, but I will not tolerate abusive or racist behaviour. I may not agree with you, but you have your right to any opinion, as I have a right to pick a hole in it, so, welcome all


  1. No racist behaviour.. the only people accused of racial behaviour are caucasians by every other race. I've never in all my time heard a white Australian complain "That person of asian descent just called me a white, blue-eyed honky - that's racist!".. Yet let the honky say, "Those gooks sure know how to cook up rice." and the racial cries will echo around.
    What's the difference between racial slurs and politically correct BS??

  2. Not much it would seem dbg, I didn't want to start contoversial {halo} but here goes, it would appear the only people on the planet who can be racist are white, racism is intolerable as far as I am concerned, but it should be one set of rules for all, if a native Australian calls me whitey, why is that acceptable, but if I call him darkie or what ever I am a racist. I have even been called a racist white prick, which I though was just the funniest thing ever, when I pointed it out to the offender his reply I believe was well you are white? No shit Sherlock and when I pointed out you are black so it must be ok to call him a black prick I was told, yeah, you would say that all you whiteys are racist. So about there I gave up trying to make my point. Another thing that pisses me off is that cops can't even describe people by race, ie: the offenders were Asian, they have to say pf eastern appearance or something like that, right there is political correctness gone mad, if you need to find and identify a violent offender, the public needs the most accurate description, and quite franky, if offence is taken to being described as what they are then tough shit. Racism will never be stamped out, biggots are under every stone but lets approach the issue with a degree of common sense

  3. Andrew---so cool
    Have you been following the debates that have been going on in Wisconsin, U.S.A.? The Governor elect has put on the fast track a bill to take away all the bargaining rights of the individuals in the unions in Wisconsin under the "Balance the Budget" bill. Not quite sure how you feel about unions although alot can be said...good or bad. The budget will not be balanced on the backs of the working class in Wisconsin nor did it fail for the same reasons. The state employees agree that it's time they start to pay for their portion of Pensions and Health care but taking away all rights to negotiate is a blatant attempt to bust the unions America. Police, Fire and State patrol would be exempt. This Governor refuses to bend, and has actually alerted the National Guard against the very people who voted him in. The Senators from the capital in Wis. left on Thursday to keep this from being voted on this week. Some think they should just do their jobs and go back to the forum and vote (which they know will fail because of the imbalance of Republican vs. Democratic votes) but have chosen to leave to bring to light the unfair way this was done. Being from Wisconsin myself I see this as these people doing the job of the American people, not skipping out on the responsibilty they have to do the job. Who else will stick up for the people if not for these 14 Senators? My friend went to the Capital 2 days in a row and had her daughter carry a sign that read " In school we call this bullying" How true. I for one do not wish to need a nurse help me who has been up for 30 hours straight. If the people don't think this could happen...ask yourself this, Why is it in their contracts that they can only be forced to work a certain amount of hours now? Answer: Because that is what they had to fight for already. The big business whether it be Government or State would want nothing more then to have these people at the mercy of the places they work. Long hours and little pay. The National Guard? Really Governor Walker? Arrogance and high-handedness is not the way to treat your own people. ( I'll get off my soap box now) Beth Heidersdorf

  4. Hey Andrew---I just realized my post was political B.S.(HEE-HEE)

  5. Beth, become a follower of my blog lol. Now, to unions, unions are a necassary evil, my only concern now and always with unions is that they don't seem to know where to stop, they ask for things that will cause financial problems, big ones, in other areas. The militant attitude that as long as our members are fine then who cares how its paid for is not acceptable in a modern day and age. Having said that, unions have bought industry out of the dark ages and to places where workers can for the most part receive a fair days pay for a days work, and work in safe enviroment. No worker should ever die on the job and the safety standards that unions have fought hard for, both fatigue management and general safe practices have saved countless lives. But on the flip side, unions have crushed many businesses that have always done the right thing by their workers just because these companies and their employees rejected unions. As for the governor, he probably needs to realize that his position is elected, and if he is going to do things like this that the next election probably isn't going to work out so well for him

  6. and yes it was political bs lol

  7. Without unions, however, the rich would be richer than ever and the working man would be mud under his feet. If a company is going to make money off of someone, then it should share the wealth with those doing the work.

    But you are correct, Andrew, in that they never know where to stop. That makes the union leadership just as "evil", for want of a better word, as the company leadership.

    As in all things in life, it takes balance. Perhaps the public servants in Wisconsin would bend a little on paying their retirement if the governor would bend on letting the unions continue to negotiate. On the face of it, the governor appears to be a union buster.
